Lunch webinar: Data-driven decision-making

1 Nov. 2022, 11:30 - 12:30

Polarbröd's IT manager talks about their digitization work of the entire value chain. You will also receive a shorter lecture on AI and decision-making. Read more

Optimising human interaction with AI, robotic and autonomous cyber physical systems

When: 5 Oct. 2022, 11:30 - 12:30
Where: Luleå, Vetenskapens hus or digitally
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Welcome to the digital workshop:
Legal, ethical, and moral aspects of AI

September 30th, 2022, 9am-11am, Zoom  

Prestigious Deep Learning event

Luleå University of Technology will host the DeepLearn 2022 Autumn, the world’s largest research training event in Deep Learning. – This is an excellent opportunity for us to excel and impact this research community, says Marcus Liwicki, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Applied AI at Luleå University of Technology. 
Read more

Gender conference

 2 Dec. 2021, 09:00 - 12:00, Online
This event is in Swedish.

Gender equality culture as a competitive advantage - find, attract and retain talent.
Welcome to be inspired by Lindbäcks Bygg, Northvolt, Tromb, Volvo cars, TietoEVRY and more and hear how they work to find, attract and retain talent and what concrete tools they use to create a gendered corporate culture. During this digital half-day, you will find out how technology can contribute to increasing diversity, how educational efforts can break gender patterns and how the AI company Substorm has succeeded in achieving an even gender distribution. Other regional companies will also share their experiences, thoughts and ways of working.  Read more here

International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI 2021

When: 5 - 7 Oct. 2021, 09:00
Where: Luleå, On-line
Welcome to the first conference for Industrial Artificial Intelligence organized by the Division of Operations of Maintenance at Luleå University of Technology!   Read more:

The annual workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society

The 33rd SAIS Workshop: SAIS 2021 took place June 14-16 online and in Luleå.
Researchers and practitioners in the field of AI, in Sweden and the rest of the world, as well as related research disciplines and industry joined.  The SAIS workshop has since its first edition been a forum for building the Swedish AI research community and to nurture networks across academia and industry.
See recordings from the meeting below.
Read more at:
Panel discussion: “The role of AI in the post-endemic wor[k|ld]”

Panelists: Eriks Klotins (BTH), Anna Ståhlbröst (LTU), Bength Grahn (Compodium), Karolina Parding (LTU), Staffan Lundberg (Region Norrbotten)

- How will the work habits change after Covid-19
- Where are good possibilities for AI methods to support us in future work habits
- What are the greatest expectations towards AI to facilitate our work
Keynote by Elena Fersman: AI for Telecom and Beyond
Keynote by Elisabetta Chicca: Exploiting temporal dynamics in neuromorphic sensing

AI in infrastructure inspection and applications

See the recording of the event here: 

All dangerous works and services in harsh environments will be fully automated in the future. This will lead to higher efficiency, reduce costs and minimized risks for personnel.
Autonomous drones are creating multiple opportunities for almost all the key industrial sectors in multiple missions focusing from e.g. inspection of mines, wind turbines, into all the forms of the ageing infrastructure. Autonomous robots in multiple forms will be utilized massively for everything from security and surveillance to missions in space.  
In this webinar, the unlimited opportunities of utilizing autonomous robots for multiple inspection applications will be presented. The enabling technologies on autonomy will also be presented and fused with the current state of the art in computer vision, localisation, orchestration of multiple robots and specific applications with a related high impact.

Lectures from AI Sweden

AI Sweden is the Swedish National Center for applied Artificial Intelligence, supported by the Swedish government and the public and private sectors across the country. Our mission is to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and for everyone living in Sweden.

AI Sweden has a YouTube channel where you can watch their lectures. You can find it here

Machine Learning with few data sets
March 9, 2021, 08:00 – 09.00, Zoom

We all are aware of how machine learning has revolutionized our world and has made a variety of complex tasks much easier to perform. In this event, we will talk about how the size of the data set impacts Machine Learning algorithms, how deep learning model performance depends on data size and how to work with smaller data sets to get similar performances.

See a film from the event & presentations below:

Webinar: AI-based business models

Jan 28 2021, 08:00 - 08:50

Many companies invest heavily in AI. However, managers often have little support when they aim to implement AI in their business, which can lead to project errors and unwanted results. By having a deeper understanding of AI-based business models, this can be avoided.

More info and registration:
This webinar is in swedish.

Welcome to a webinar about Chatbots

Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 08:00 – 08:50, Zoom

Welcome to the first AIM Point, a series of focused webinars about different hot AI topics of today. The AIM Point is an activity within the Applied AI DIH North project. First topic is about Chatbots!

8.00 - 8.05  Michael Nilsson, Applied AI DIH North project manager, will introduce the seminar.
8.05 - 8.10  Examples of challenges regarding AI at a municipality by Ola Lidström,  Process leader digitization, Piteå Municipality
8.10 - 8.40  Marcus Liwicki, Professor of Machine Learning at Luleå University of Technology, will talk about what a chatbot is, state of the art, what do we miss today, research challenges and future work.
8.40 - 8.50  A Q&A session will follow.

For those of you who want to discuss more in detail stay, and/or let us know so we can contact you afterwards.

About Marcus Liwicki
Marcus Liwicki was born in 1982 in Berlin. In 2007, he defended his dissertation at the University of Bern in Switzerland, with a dissertation on automated handwriting recognition on whiteboard. He has been awarded both the CEBIT Innovation Award 2015 and the Young Investigator Award 2015. Marcus Liwicki presented his doctoral dissertation six years after he finished high school. At the age of 29, he then became the youngest professor of computer science in Germany. Today his research is largely about pattern recognition, on both a large and a small scale. It may be about loading satellite images to find geographical locations on other planets or teaching computers to read writing and analyze the text. Currently he is chaired professor at Luleå University of Technology and a senior assistant in the University of Fribourg.  Marcus Liwicki is a co-author of the book "Recognition of Whiteboard Notes – Online, Offline, and Combination", published by World Scientific in October 2008 and he has more than 200 publications.

Read more about Chatbots here:

Register to the event here:

Link to the Zoom webinar here:

A virtual tour in the 5G environment

On October 1, a webinar, a digital tour in the 5G test environment, was conducted at Luleå University of Technology. During the event, the participants were shown around the environment and received information about exciting 5G applications. A number of pre-recorded films were shown with interviews with researchers, companies and students.
Project manager Arne Gylling talked, among other things, about how it is done when you as a company come and test in the environment. A 360-degree camera showed around the environment both outside and inside.

One of the projects that participated in arranging the webinar was the AI DIH North project. Artificial intelligence and 5G are technologies that reinforce each other. 5G transports data and information, enables huge amounts of data to be sent at extremely high speeds to unimaginably many devices, while artificial intelligence analyzes and offers opportunities for more efficient solutions. An example of this is the robotics group at the university that flies autonomous drones connected to 5G. This means that as soon as the drone has left the ground, there is no pilot in control. The drone is programmed to use AI to analyze its surroundings and make its own decisions, for example to be able to independently avoid obstacles. Autonomous drones can be used in many areas, for example to carry out risky inspections such as in mines. The robotics group is world-class in terms of robotics and drone technology, has won prestigious awards and collaborates with NASA.

- With the help of robotics, intelligent automation and simulation, very difficult and dangerous tasks can be performed. This is a growing subject area, both nationally and internationally. Robotics and artificial intelligence, for example, have been identified by the European Commission as one of the most important subject areas in the Horizon Europe 2021–2017 research initiative, said George Nikolakopoulos, professor of robotics and automation.

One of the companies that is involved and will conduct tests in the 5G environment is Compodium. It is a Luleå based company that delivers services in digital video conferencing and was the first in the world to provide secure digital care rooms. Bengt Grahn, founder of the company, said that he thinks it is super exciting to be involved and put his services on the latest radio technology.

Finally, the student Jesper Gladh was interviewed, who is now doing his ex-job in 5G and Virtual Reality at Ericsson.

The 5G environment is open and welcomes organizations to test products and services and is run together with Ericsson, Telia and Tieto Evry. The webinar was part of the EU's digital information campaign "My Europe", which is about disseminating information about EU-funded projects.

The event was organized by the projects:
Wireless Innovation Arena
Applied AI DIH North
5G for health and care in Upper Norrland
Arctic 5G Test Network