In Sweden, only 20% of employees in the IT sector are women. The potential for improvement is great. The project tries to make visible how restrictive norms govern and distribute power and help to develop companies' business in several different ways, including by inviting seminars on gender, equality and diversity to learn more in the field. Tools such as handbooks are part of a long-term effort to increase gender equality and integrate a gender perspective into the business. Below are some tools with concrete suggestions on how to work with these issues.

The Equality Ombudsman

The Equality Ombudsman (DO) is a government agency that works on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government to promote equal rights and opportunities and to combat discrimination. Here you can find out more about the Ombudsman, discrimination and how to make a complaint. Read more

How to boost and measure change

The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance on promoting a gender equality and diversity perspective in ICT and educational environment. Read more

Race To Scale

FormIT is a methodology for user involvement, created and test. In this guide, specialists in user-driven innovation share their knowledge. Read more

The right to reach your
full potential

Women and men should have equal rights and opportunities to influence and develop in their professions and at their workplaces. This is not the reality today - and this is what Allbright wants to change. Allbright is a politically-independent, non-profit foundation that promotes equality and diversity on the executive business level in Sweden. Read more